Meet the McNeall Plastics Team: A Q&A with Romeo Nunez


Welcome to part 3 in our five-part Q&A series: Meet the Team. We are excited to introduce you to the people behind McNeall Plastics so you can get to know them better.

As part of this Q&A series we will also be discussing the world of manufacturing and how it has fared throughout 2020. Plus, we explore the changes and trends that are indicative of what manufacturing may look like in the future.

To catch up on our previous interviews, simply click on the links below:

Chris Tite
Damon Taheri

This chat is with Romeo Nunez, Internal Sales.

With over 20 years of industry and sales experience, Romeo’s dedication to exceeding customers’ expectations remains as strong as ever.
He continually strives to deliver service that not only surpasses expectations, but that also creates and maintains long-term customer relationships.

Q. What was your favourite project and/or part of 2020 in the context of McNeall Plastics?

My favourite part of 2020, and to a further extent my role overall, is the interaction with customers. I enjoy getting to know our customers, their businesses, challenges and goals. Building a strong rapport helps to forge and maintain solid customer relationships over the long-term as I take the time to really drill down into how we can best benefit their business.

Q. What trends or changes in the industrial plastics landscape did you notice over 2020?

I’ve noticed that more suppliers entered into the market, and more manufacturers were installing and upgrading their production facilities in order to bring more of the work inhouse.

Q. What do you foresee for the year ahead for MNP and the industry overall?

I see the year ahead as a game changer. At McNeall Plastics we are uniquely positioned and capable of manufacturing custom cast components in-house here in Australia. We are also the only Australian manufacturer with the capability and capacity to pour large and complex Nylon products up to a size of 3000mm x 3000mm. This will enable us to serve more customers whilst ensuring a reliable supply, quick turnaround and of course, exceptional service.

Q. What do you enjoy most about your role at MNP?

I enjoy the interaction with all our different clients, as well as the various requirements this brings to every working day.

Q. What do you hope to achieve in the year ahead from a professional perspective?

To meet more customers, forge more relationships and achieve more sales!

Cathy Ellis