Meet the McNeall Plastics Team: A Q&A with Damon Taheri
Welcome to part 2 in our five-part Q&A series: Meet the Team. We are excited to introduce you to the people behind McNeall Plastics so you can get to know them better. As part of this Q&A series we will also be discussing the world of manufacturing and how it has fared throughout 2020. Plus, we explore the changes and trends that are indicative of what manufacturing may look like in the future.
To catch up on part 1, where we chat to Chris Tite, our Sales Manager for Queensland, simply click here.
Our second chat is with Damon Taheri, Sales Engineer.
With over 15 years of engineering experience, Damon’s passion for components, machinery and customers is unwavering.
His dedication to his customers is unrivalled, and he continually aims to deliver solutions that outperform other options, helping businesses save and money over the long-term.
Q. What was your favourite project and/or part of 2020 in the context of McNeall Plastics?
I enjoy working on all projects and with all my clients, but in the context of 2020 I must say that supplying large size gear blanks to Visy Papers NSW, which are to my knowledge the largest sized blanks in Australia. Also getting reconfirmation from Bluescope steel coke ovens that Austlon is the best material for their seals and resupply after 5 years.
Q. What trends or changes in the industrial plastics landscape did you notice over 2020?
I’ve noticed more engineers in different industries from mining to transportation and food and beverage are trusting engineered plastics for more applications everyday.
Q. What do you foresee for the year ahead for MNP and the industry overall?
One of the big challenges will be the fact that the businesses that service the coal mine industry will suffer from China’s trade war with Australia, and this may also include McNeall Plastics. However at the same time more Australian businesses are looking for local quality product which means more opportunities for us and other businesses in other industries.
With the recent developments in our production plant I expect to see an increase in the volume of machined parts supplied into food and beverage, transport and material handling industries.
Q. What do you enjoy most about your role at MNP?
The best part of my role is being in contact with people from different industries and learn on a daily basis.
Q. What do you hope to achieve in the year ahead from a professional perspective?
I would like to expand my network and become the first point of contact for more and more companies when they think of plastics.