Meet the McNeall Plastics Team: A Q&A with Matthew Nagel


Welcome to our “Meet the Team” series. We are excited to introduce you to the people behind McNeall Plastics so you can get to know them better.

As part of this Q&A series we will also be discussing the world of manufacturing and how it has fared throughout 2020. Plus, we explore the changes and trends that are indicative of what manufacturing may look like in the future.

If you missed any of the precious interviews, simply click on the interviews below to read them:

Chris Tite
Damon Taheri
Romeo Nunez

Today’s interview is with Matthew Nagel, who is an Engineer at McNeall Plastics.

With over 13 years of engineering experience, and nearly a decade in plastics, Matthew is adept at finding and creating bespoke solutions that help his clients save money & time whilst delivering optimal production and profit outcomes.

Q. What was your favourite project and/or part of 2020 in the context of McNeall Plastics?

After coming on board at McNeall Plastics, one of my main priorities and favourite parts of my job has been, and continues to be, the development of new business systems which not only improve quality but also reduce reduce cost. I’ve also enjoyed seeing the updates and enhancements to our production line evolve and am looking forward to seeing our clients benefit from these enhancements in the future.

Q. What trends or changes in the industrial plastics landscape did you notice over 2020?

The trends and changes I have noticed don’t just span over 2020, but have become increasingly important factors for our customers, and the market overall over the past few years. This includes the gradual push away from disposable plastics such as shopping bags, which is a nationwide consumer and business push, as well as the drive and demand for lower lead times from businesses.

Q. What do you foresee for the year ahead for MNP and the industry overall?

I believe there will be more focus on lowering costs and achieving faster turnaround times to make domestic supply a more viable alternative.

Q. What do you enjoy most about your role at MNP?

I enjoy the variability in the work I can do, working on anything from large 3m diameter ring gears to very thin walled bushings; to designing and updating our production systems, back end business systems (quotation/ERP/Production planning).

Q. What do you hope to achieve in the year ahead from a professional perspective?

I look forward to implementing and rolling out new quality systems, utilising new capacities in production and working with our customers to deliver solutions that benefit their business.

Cathy Ellis