Meet the McNeall Plastics Team: A Q&A with Josh Budd


Welcome to the final installment of our “Meet the Team” series, in which we have introduced you to the people behind McNeall Plastics so you can get to know them better.

As part of this Q&A series we have discussed how the world of manufacturing has fared throughout the pandemic, and what changes and trends might be indicative of the future of mining.

We have chatted to team members Chris Tite, Damon Taheri, Romeo Nunez and Matthew Nagel.

Our final chat is with the Managing Director of McNeall Plastics, Josh Budd.

With nearly 25 years of experience and a passion for business, Josh possesses a unique combination of extensive technical expertise, astute business acumen and an innate drive to not only grow McNeall Plastics, but to shine a light on the importance of the Australian manufacturing industry for all.

Q. What was your favourite project and/or part of 2020 in the context of McNeall Plastics?

2020 was a transformative year for McNeall Plastics. We devised and carried out what was basically a complete overhaul of the business. Our entire team, across the board, worked cohesively to review, enhance and transform nearly every element of our business. From our systems, procedures, machinery through to our brand, website, CRM and more. And we also invested in new technology such as our CNC machine. We undertook this multi-faceted project as we wanted to ensure that our operations were optimised, our technology at the forefront of the pack and that we were maximising our output whilst ensuring quality. Not only have we achieved this, but I’m excited to say that we are also now the ONLY company in Australia who has the capability to pour large and complex Nylon products up to a size of 3000mm x 3000mm.

Q. What trends or changes in the industrial plastics landscape did you notice over 2020?

There were several trends that become apparent over 2020. Firstly the volatility of the overall supply chain proved the impetus for many companies to seek domestic manufacturers, and this trend has remained to date. Secondly, there has also been an increasing number of organisations looking for components & equipment that enables their machines to run for longer periods and last longer in the fields. This desire for cost and time savings, combined with other benefits such as resilience, noise reduction and more, has seen the demand grow for alternative products such as AustLon® which actually outlasts traditional wear materials such as brass and bronze alloys.

Q. What do you foresee for the year ahead for MNP and the industry overall?

With regards to MNP, we are always looking at how we can continually refine and improve factors such as turnaround time. We are also looking forward to immersing ourselves into an array of customer requirements and working alongside them to develop optimal solutions that benefit their business.

From an industry perspective, I am hoping that the ability to physically visit sites becomes increasingly easier if all continues to proceed well with regards to COVID-19. This will mean we are not only able to see our components in action, but we can also take a closer look at any issues, and of course, visit our great customers.

Q. What do you enjoy most about your role at MNP?

Immersing myself in engineering problems and finding the right solution that benefits our customers’ businesses. I thrive on getting into the minutiae, the nitty-gritty and leveraging my experience and knowledge to arrive at a solution that helps our customers, as well as other numerous industries. I also enjoy the variety that each day brings with regards to customers, industries and engineering.

Q. What do you hope to achieve in the year ahead from a professional perspective?

I look forward to working even more closely with our team to develop even better outcomes and deliverables for our customers. I also want to achieve better professional outcomes for our team, helping them to enhance their expertise and stay ahead of the game when it comes to innovation.

Cathy Ellis