Meet the McNeall Plastics Team: A Q&A with Chris Tite
Welcome to our “Meet the Team” series. We are excited to introduce you to the people behind McNeall Plastics so you can get to know them better.
Our first team member is Chris Tite, Sales Manager for Queensland.
With over 22 years of experience in the plastics industry, Chris has an expertise that is unparallelled.
With an extensive knowledge of both the industry & materials, Chris consistently delivers the optimal solution for each and every client based on their needs.
Q. What was your favourite project and/or part of 2020 in the context of McNeall Plastics?
There is no doubt that 2020 had its challenges, with COVID-19 affecting the workload for many of our customers.
A substantial portion of them became unsure of the year ahead and justifiably concerned that they may not survive the year.
Fortunately as I have visited them throughout the year, I have seen them continue to find work for their business. Even better is the fact that many of them became quite busy again towards the latter part of the year.
It truly is an uplifting experience when you talk to a boss who has a smile on his face due to the workload they have. Knowing that we have been here for them and able to help them throughout the hard times is a great feeling. It is this customer satisfaction that keeps me motivated to continue to be a reliable and responsive plastics partner for our customers.
Q. What trends or changes in the industrial plastics landscape did you notice over 2020?
The volatility experienced with regards to supply made customers turn to domestic manufacturers. This trend has continued with an increasing number of customers looking for local suppliers — they want to deal with the ‘guy around the corner’ instead of dealing with the hassles that come with trying to source products from overseas.
Q. What do you foresee for the year ahead for MNP and the industry overall?
The installation of the new CNC is going to offer our customers a fast competitive service for their machined Nylon bushes. The new machine will help to speed up the delivery to the customers. The combination of increased speed and the reduced pricing will enable us to assist more customers and expand our reach into new markets.
Q. What do you enjoy most about your role at MNP?
Meeting new customers and providing a service which assists with problem solving.
Q. What do you hope to achieve in the year ahead from a professional perspective?
I believe in continually learning and am always looking to expand on my knowledge. This year I want to further my knowledge and broaden my skills base so I can enhance my problem solving skills.