Nylon Plastic: Benefits and Uses


Nylon is a popular plastic manufactured for its versatility and flexibility and has several uses in different sectors and industries. It is considered a thermoplastic with unstructured and structured regions in its chemical form, allowing it to be durable and flexible. 

Historically, nylon was invented as an alternative to silk, a luxurious commodity in the clothing and retail industry. Manufacturers wanted a sturdier and cheaper alternative to silk whilst maintaining its use, sheen and shine. However, they soon realised the other benefits of using nylon, such as creating sturdier ropes, fabrics and other products. 

Today, major industries and sectors use nylon in several ways, such as agriculture, construction, food processing, marine and sporting. In this blog post, let’s discuss the nylon material properties and the different uses and benefits of nylon fabric and plastics. 

What Are the Different Nylon Material Properties and Variations?

Nylon types have different molecular structures and properties ideal for specific uses in some products and industries. Let’s look at some of these nylon types and their various uses:

  • Nylon 6—One of the more common nylon varieties, it typically undergoes a liquid casting process to produce rod, tube and sheet formats. This process is one of the most cost-efficient ways of having nylon and offers great flexibility to make custom items and parts. 

  • Nylon 66—This nylon type is similar to Nylon 6 but differs in its processing. Manufacturers create Nylon 66 by melting solid nylon pellets through a thermoplastic extruder. Unlike liquid casting, extrusion is a more economical and quick process to build rods, sheets and tubes with small diameters. This also allows for manufacturing rods and tubes of any length and is excellent for yielding finished parts. 

  • Nylon billets—Also known as nylon with a metal core, is essential for manufacturing machine parts, such as gears, augers and sprockets. Nylon billets are also valuable for power transmission applications for better conductivity and flexibility. 

  • Graded nylon—Nylon plastics can be combined chemically with other substances to enhance durability and wear. These are called graded nylons and have specific uses in different industries. Oil-filled and molybdenum-sulphide-filled nylons do not require external lubrication and have higher wear properties. Heat-stabilised nylons can withstand high temperatures and can be in direct contact with food. 

  • AustLon® (PA6 G)—This type of high-grade plastic is monomer-cast nylon created using activated anionic adiabatic polymerisation and features extremely tough and wear-resistant properties. At McNeall Plastics, we exclusively manufacture this engineering plastic, and it has several crucial uses, especially as a bearing material. This plastic is lightweight with high strength and abrasion resistance. 

What Are the Uses of Nylon?

There are many uses for nylon. You may find nylon fabric and plastics across multiple industries, such as automobile, sporting, agriculture, construction, fishing and many more. Let’s list down a few of the practical uses of nylon:

  • Nylon rope—One of the most common uses of nylon due to its durability and flexibility. It is suitable for fastening using knots and doesn’t wear down quickly. 

  • Plastic fasteners and machine parts—Nylon does not easily abrade and has high elasticity, which is suitable for some machine parts.

  • Stock shapes—Due to its versatility, nylon can be made into several forms, such as rods, tubes and sheets. 

  • Cookware—Heat-grade nylon is suitable for manufacturing cookware, such as spatulas and fryers, that are sturdy and affordable.

  • Fishing line—Nylon fishing lines do not easily break and are waterproof, making them suitable as fishing lines. 

  • Carpets—Nylon carpets are an alternative to animal-made carpets and last longer. 

  • Nylon fabric—One of the advantages of nylon fabric is its high wear resistance, making it suitable for clothing and bags for extreme use, such as hiking and climbing.

Whilst there are more nylon uses, these are the few common and significant ones we usually see in the market. 

What Are the Essential Benefits of Nylon?

No matter what products manufacturers make nylon into, there’s no doubt that they use this plastic because of the significant benefits it brings to the table. Here are some of the essential benefits of using nylon:

  1. Durable—Because of its strength and durability, nylon is often used during extreme situations and emergencies, such as rescue and sports. It has high tensile and compressive strength and is highly resistant to wear and abrasion. 

  2. Lightweight—Nylon is very light compared to conventional materials, such as metal and other plastics. This makes it ideal for parts manufacturing where there are strict weight regulations. 

  3. Cost-effective and time-saving—Nylon is suitable as an alternative for some organic products due to its fast production and is entirely synthetic. This eliminates the need for long production and harvesting processes that take time and money. Nylon fabric can even replicate the feel and look of some luxury materials, such as wool and silk. 

  4. Waterproof and fire-retardant—Nylon is known to be waterproof since it doesn’t retain or absorb moisture, unlike other fabrics or materials. It is also fire-retardant, so some manufacturers include it in protective clothing, such as jackets and balaclava masks. 

  5. Easy to clean and holds its shape—Because nylon fabric and plastic are waterproof, they are suitable for products, such as shower curtains and climbing equipment. They are relatively easier to clean without forming wrinkles and creases, and they can resist shrinkage. 

  6. Easy production—Nylon is very easy to produce and versatile, allowing it to be built into various products. It’s also easy to dye into any colour and is aesthetically pleasing. 

McNeall Plastics: Helping  Businesses Through Plastic Engineering and Manufacturing

McNeall Plastics is the top manufacturer of the world’s number one nylon called AustLon® (PA6G) and is the only Australian company that exclusively manufactures it. This high-grade engineering nylon plastic is lauded for its superior mechanical, physical, chemical and electrical properties that have a wide range of applications, such as: 

  • Automobile parts

  • Machine components 

  • Linings

  • Blades 

  • Tyres 

  • Custom parts

  • And many more.

We can also create a custom formula and casting which suits your needs. This is a testament to AustLon®’s versatility and flexibility as a plastic product and has superior advantages to other metals and nylon alternatives. You can also benefit from its outstanding features, such as:

  • Excellent impact resistance

  • High tensile strength and compression resistance

  • Self-lubricating

  • Proven to outlast aluminium, brass, steel and bronze options

  • Chemical and corrosion resistance

  • Exceptional machinability and cost-effective

  • Weather and ultraviolet resistance

  • Internal dampening property reduces noise

There are more advantages with using AustLon®, and we’re only scratching the surface of the myriad of applications you can do with the number one nylon in the world. Get a quote from us, and McNeall Plastics will help your business with our top-of-the-line engineering and machining services.

Cathy Ellis